Ok..youth camp is coming up d..so long d I never update my blog..ehhe..feel like its dead..anyways..yea..youth camp..cant wait..I'm in the same team as Joyce,Sarah Wong..haha..this years my teams name is LIVINGSTONE cool right? hehe..anyways..my team leaders are Elisha Low and Shiau Xian..haha..
Ok..We also practiced the new songs..hehe..I'm am so looking forward to this year's youth camp for I am expecting it to be the best where we can feel God there and gain so much from the five days and worship will be so great!..this year it will be at Hosba Valley,Kedah..cant wait..haha..
Ok la..I really dont know what to add in d..hehe..so I'll try to not be lazy and update my blog lo..hehe..
bye bye..
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